Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cramping and bleeding in L and D with update*

Yup, just when all was going smoothly I end up bleeding and driving myself to Labor and Delivery.
Driving home early from work to meet the engineer and the plumber I felt a bit crampy, when I got out if my car I felt damp and when I got to the bathroom there was blood covering my undies and my pants. Commence calm panic while giving instructions to the engineer who arrived as I was running through the house knickerless!
I called the midwife who told me to come to the hospital L and D department and check myself in.
I got here fast and Susan zoomed the twenty plus miles from work to get here just in time to see an ultrasound of my nicely closed cervix but too late to see the happy go lucky wiggly baby doing the fandango in the uterus.
The verdict: inconclusive. It could be my fibroid which is low and near my cervix, it could be th remainder of the subchorionic hemotoma.
I get a thorough wanding as well as the regular ultrasounds. They decide to monitor me: it turns out I'm have some contractions. They're about to put me on pelvic rest and send me home when I feel more bleeding. So I'm still stuck here while they decide what to do. Breathe breathe breathe.
Guess I won't be going to pre-natal yoga tomorrow after all.
We're waiting to find out the verdict.
Breathe breathe breathe.

* update:
they sent us home after a few hours with an order for an ultrasound in fetal diagnostics today. I had some more cramping and bleeding last night but the bleeding has now stopped. Still feeling a bit crampy. I'm waiting for Susan to come home to take me to the appointment at 1pm. She has one of the most important interviews of her new career - to get into "in care status" with the local UCC conference. It's really hard to get an interview and she wouldn't have been able to get one til fall - so I'm like, GO! She needs to be "in care" for two years before she can be ordained - so it's a big ass deal esp. with timing her career change. Go Susie, go Susie!


  1. Thinking of you all - how scary! Glad that your cervix is still closed. Hope they find some answers very quickly so your minds can be at ease. You'll be in our thoughts.

  2. Oh sweetie that sounds so scary! Keep us up to date. I will be keepingyou in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. Yes breath,breath.I hope the bleeding stops,but take it easy these are the pioneer days.Some women are more delicate than others during pregnancy.

  4. I'm sending good thoughts that everything is ok and lots of love.

  5. Oh Claire, how scary. When I was about 23 weeks along, I had the same thing minus the contractions. If you want to read about it, here's the link:

    Definitely rest up and take it easy over the next few days.

  6. saw this post last night, but couldnt comment - i have been thinking of you and hoping all is well. ((()))

  7. yikes! Thinking of you and hoping it is just the remainder of the subchorionic hem. These things are never fun :( Tons of best wishes to you!

  8. Hope everything is ok. Sounds like you're in good hands. Hang in there! Praying for good results at today's appointment!

  9. I hope that things go well at your u/s. So scary! Keeping you in my prayers, and hope for a good update soon.

  10. Whoa. Scary stuff. I'm sending my good thoughts your way that this is just some sort of random bleeding that goes away without incident. (And GO, Susan!!)

  11. Still thinking of you today. Sending prayers for you, Susan and your baby.

  12. Sending tons of positive vibes your way. xoxo

  13. I just saw this post and I am so sad that you are going through this. I hope all goes well at the appointment today. I'll be sending good vibes and anxiously awaiting any news.

  14. Thinking of you and sending so many good thoughts, positive vibes and much love across the sea to you all.

  15. So effing scary. Thinking of you and sending healing and calming vibes that things quickly go back to normal.

  16. Scary! Hope everything's o.k. Thinking of you.

  17. Oh, please update us when you get a chance! It does sound like the SCH resolving itself and the baby sounds just fine, but still very scary. Hoping everything calms way down and this is the last "exciting" moment up until Wiggly makes its debut late in the fall. {{{HUGS}}}

  18. Just checking back in - still sending good thoughts and hoping you all are okay.
