Friday, May 21, 2010

holding steady (or medical intervention all the way on this pregnancy)

Thanks so much for all of your lovely comments and concerns. Here's the scooparooney.
We had the ultrasound yesterday and Womble was doing fine. Wiggling around and being cute. Weighing about 8 oz!
The verdict seems to be the fibroid is irritating my uterus and maybe breaking down sending funny hormones around and getting my ute in a tizzy.
The doc at the ultrasound place did not seem too fazed by it. Neither did the doc who is in the midwives practice that was on call while I was at the hospital.
I have to go back after my anatomy scan on June 19th and see the doc - instead of the nurse midwives and talk C-section. The fibroid is right above my cervix -hasn't budged or got smaller. No way out for baby that way unless something moves.
Hmm.... I might be selling all the natural childbirth books I diligently bought but have not read!
Doctor's orders:No strenuous exercise, no pre-natal yoga, take it easy. ( ho hum that will be hard!)
Still a tiny bit of pink showing otherwise cramps and bleeding gone.
We are heading to Michigan to a B and B for a much needed break this weekend. Wish it was longer. I am so glad to get out of town, spend some much needed time with my sweetie - who passed her interview with flying colors - yeah!
Thanks so much to all of you for worrying about me:)
I will be off line but checking my i phone this weekend and will catch up on blogging next week:)


  1. good news all around! so happy to hear it!

    have a relaxing weekend!

  2. So happy it is nothing too serious. If you have to go c-section, don't stress too badly. At least you'll know up front what your birth experience will be, you know? Some moms have hours of labor and end up with an emergency c-section. Have a wonderful get-away!

  3. So happy it is nothing too serious. If you have to go c-section, don't stress too badly. At least you'll know up front what your birth experience will be, you know? Some moms have hours of labor and end up with an emergency c-section. Have a wonderful get-away!

  4. I am so happy your u/s went well! I hope that some rest and relaxation works wonders for you this weekend!

  5. Very, very good news! Nice to have a plan in place! I was pretty well pro-caesarian from the get-go, but I still wish these little guys would have given me the option to choose (stubbornly butt-down though. They must get that from me...).

    Here's hoping the fibroid simmers down and gives you a rest!

  6. Cripes, I have just caught up on your news, you poor things, you must have been beside yourselves! Good that they seem unconcerned about it. Rest up and take it easy. I am a c-section gal as well and went to the class last week - very interesting. Good luck!

  7. I'm glad to hear the (semi) good news - no matter how the baby gets out, as long as its healthy and comes out breathing - thats all that counts! Thinking of you and praying for your little Womble :)

  8. I hope you have a rest- and peaceful weekend. You deserve at least that much!

  9. I am so glad everything is OK. Have a good weekend away!

  10. Relieving news! Glad Womble is hanging in there! I hope your B&B weekend brings you lots of relaxation and refreshment. You deserve it! :)

  11. I know you are gone so you won't get this for a while but I so relieved for you! What a potentially scary situation. Like the others, I am sorry about the likely csection but sooooooo glad that things are looking good otherwise!

  12. There are 2 sides to that coin, eh? One being (whew!) good news that no one seems to be concerned about the fibroid and the baby is doing just fine. The other being (boo, hiss) that natural childbirth might not be an option. I went through a few weeks of roller coastering disappointment when I learned that my baby was breech and I'd have to have a C-section. I hope things work out so you can do natural, but if not, it will be ok. Promise.

  13. Glad everything is alright. Enjoy your time away.

  14. Glad everything is alright. Enjoy your time away.

  15. What a relief to know that you all are okay! Sorry about the likely change in birth options, but whatever it takes to get that little one here safely, right?

  16. Oh mah gosh, I'm just getting caught up. I'm glad everything is okay!!

  17. I'm glad things are looking better! Enjoy taking it easy!

  18. Glad things are going ok now. How scary! I'm sorry about the possible (likely?) cesarean birth. Birthing From Within has a great section on this. You are still giving birth, just with a little extra help.

  19. Hi, just checking in, hope all is still good with you.
