Monday, February 22, 2010

it's a numbers game! - with update*

I apologize for the lousy lack of prose and the proliferation of numbers.
I just wanted to update y'all with my second Beta results.
For any clever people out there who love riddles or want to wager a guess on how many babies - here is the scoop:
Transfer was 2.9.10 with 2 x 5plus day embryos.
BFP 2/18/10
First Beta: 10 days after transfer= 323; P4 is 33.7
Second Beta: 13 days after transfer = 1103; P4 is 34
Third Beta is 15 days after transfer = (will find out on Wednesday)
No-one has mentioned a due date to me but I think it's around the beginning of November.
So that's the numbers.
In words, I have been allowing myself to have tiny dalliances with fantasies about what it might be like to actually be a mother - and all the things that might come before and after - you know, choosing an OB, prepping for birth - even for a wicked moment I allowed myself to contemplate the expectation-laden baby shower.
S and I have been looking around the apartment and scratching our heads and wondering where everything will go and what we can move around. We'll figure it out.
I spent Saturday wiped out on the couch, half of Sunday running around and the rest of it on said couch again.
Back at work today and of course I told my whole office (because it is so small that telling a few people is out of the question)and would just backfire. The second question out of people's mouths has been - does that mean you're leaving? The first is usually when are you due and how many?
I am trying to stay calm and not worry too much about all the what ifs. I feel pretty positive about how things might turn out - which for me is quite unusual -so I'll take that as a good sign.
Thanks to all of you who visited and commented and really made me feel hugged and cared about!

Ta ta for now.
Sorry, but I just can't be eloquent when posting from work.

* updated to say that my third hcg was 2205 and progesterone is 36.1.
I am in shock and also excited! Is this really me we are talking about?!!I have an appointment for an ultrasound and consult with the doctor next Friday March 5th. I don't know what my due date will be but the nurse told me that on Wednesday 3rd March I will be six weeks. Who knew? How do they come up with this weird timing stuff? I aren't going to argue with them though!


  1. whoa, those are nice strong numbers! im putting my money on *two*!

  2. WOW! Fantastic numbers. I think it's twins :)

    Congratulations again. I'm thrilled for you!!!

  3. It's sounding pretty twinish! I'm so thrilled the numbers are strong, strong, strong! Keep it up, wee embie(s).

    I'm glad you're allowing yourself to fantasize about the coming months a bit.

  4. Those are great numbers! I'm just excited still that your finally pregnant. More than one is icing imo on the baby cakes:P

    Enjoy the fact that your dream is coming true and try not to let fear steal it all away.

  5. Dream away! Being happy is what early pregnancy is for. Your beta numbers sound absolutely fantastic and soooo healthy. I must admit that I think you have twinkies in the oven... or maybe a Twinkie and a Suzy Q. :)

  6. Wonderful! So happy for you :) Twins maybe???

  7. Wow, those are amazing numbers...sure is looking like twins!!! Congrats to you both, so happy for you guys...enjoy the bliss of this moment:)

  8. That's a great second beta!
    (and I'm going with a singleton :-))

  9. Great numbers! Very similar to our twins. When is your U/s?

  10. Super betas! I don't dare venture a guess as to how many, but I will say, let the beautiful dreams of the future begin!

  11. I think it's twins too!! Love, Fran

    ps and the word verification is "twinfl"!! there you go!

  12. Sounds like double the pleasure for you! Congrats on the great numbers and strong showing!!

  13. WOW!!! Great numbers! You're really, truly pregnant!!!

  14. OMG!!!!!!
    I am sooo freaking excited for you - those are some healthy numbers.
    Not to freak you out but it sounds like it could be two.
    I am soooooooooo happy for you I am doing and BFP dance.
    I have not been around cyber world lately and am so happy to come back to this news. You and S. must be so thrilled :)

  15. Great numbers!!! People asked me if planned to return. It's not an option. I have to return in order to pay the bills. At any rate, prepare yourself bc people think it's open season to ask you ANYTHING. I think the funniest one to date remains "was this planned?" How a lesbian couple have an ooopps baby continues to be a mystery to me. Anyway, enjoy these moments. Hopefully m/s won't kick in for a few weeks or not at all (mine kicked in weeks 8-12).

  16. They are some pretty strong numbers - congratulations again - such exciting news!! Oh yes, I have been having a love affair with my couch over the past 8 weeks - bloody exhausted!

    All the best!

  17. Oh YEAH..., those are some awfully handsome numerals! Congrats again, many many (hint hint) congrats to you and yours! : )

  18. YAY! Twins is getting another vote from me.

  19. I just had to come on here and say Congratulations on your BFP.

  20. Your numbers look great, can't wait to hear about your u/s!


    My guess is 3. Because 5dt embies have a greater chance - even if there is no family history of twins - of becoming identical twins.

    I can't wait to hear more!

  22. whoo hooo!happy to see those numbers!

  23. Your third beta is great.... Such a strong, healthy number. To answer your last question to me, yes, we will be putting back 2 embryos also. After all this time, we are definitely open to whatever life gives us ( so long as it begins with 2 embryos- no octomoms in this house!)

    with hcg #s like you have, I'll bet you are wiped out!

  24. Color me late to the party, but so SO thrilled for you! Congratulations, and I can't wait to follow your miracle!

  25. Congratulations! Those are great numbers. I am right there with you in the fact that this is surreal! My 5dt was two days after yours and my RE says my due date is Nov 1. Although the IVF calculator said it was Oct 30. Either way, I hope we get to go through all of this at the same time! Whoot!

  26. Congrats on your good numbers! I'd guess twins as well.

  27. I'm just getting caught up on blogs and am SO EXCITED to find out this news!! Can't wait to hear more news after your first ultrasound. CONGRATULATIONS!!
