Thursday, February 18, 2010

B F -with update at the bottom on Beta and Progesterone levels:)

I can't believe it and I can't post a picture because I am technically challenged - but I got the two pink lines at about 6.30pm tonight.
I was agonizing about what kind of pregnancy test to get and wanted to be let down gently so I opted for the one with lines because at least you can squint at it for a while before you know the answer is no. I don't want to be told immediately that I am not pregnant! That's just way too sudden and shocking. I want to find out gradually!
So I peed even though I didn't really need to but I couldn't take the suspense any more. I sat on the pot for a bit with my eyes closed after I did the deed and finally I looked over to the sink where I put the stick and there were two lines!!!!I had to check to make sure that two lines was what I needed!

I took a picture with my phone and forwarded it to S who is in class at her seminary - learning about UCC polity!!! ( no I don't really know what that means either!)
She responded with a big wow and said she was trying to keep a straight face in the class. Then she asked me how many babies. Sweet. I looked at the pregnancy test and it didn't say!!?? So I guess we will have to wait to find out:)
I know from my dear blog friends that this is just the beginning of a long journey with lots of twists and turns and bumps and scratches. I am not taking anything for granted. I have never been pregnant or even half pregnant so for me this is new territory and I am going to try my best to enjoy it.
The only symptoms I have had are chronic indigestion ( not sure if that is really a symptom )and feeling tired. But I am always tired and often have indigestion so I wasn't that convinced it meant anything.
I have never thought I would write this post and I never came up with the perfect BFP post in advance because I was having a hard time picturing it, but this is what it looks like: me on the couch with Oliver ( one of our dogs) butt to butt with Blackie (one of our foster cats) - and that positioning is a miracle in itself; the Olympic women's downhill skiing on the telly, a cup of luke warm rooibos tea on the coffee table - (Hmmm... coffee- now that's a thing of the past!!!) This is what Tireegal looks like pregnant. Never thought I would say that.
Thanks again to you, the members of my wonderful faithful gorgeous generous and funny cheering section. If you know me on FB I am not announcing it there or in the "real world" -except to a rather large number of friends and family who are in on the secret. (I am a bit of a blabbermouth in real life!)

One very grateful, very humble Tireegal:)xoxo

PS I just got my HCG# - 323 and Progesterone is 33. I think the Beta is quite high - I have not been able to find a good site to Google what it all means. I know that the numbers are supposed to double. I go in on Monday at 6.45am and Wednesday at 7.30am for my follow up betas. Woohoo! Any ideas, let me know!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Way to start the BFP train for February!!! We are so happy for you! May the next 9 months be only happy and healthy! Can't wait to find out how many you have in there!!


  2. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!! I haven't even finished reading your post yet, but I had to comment RIGHT NOW! I'm so freaking excited. WOW!!! Ok, now I'm going to go read the actual post.

  3. Yipppppeeeee! Congratulations!!!! So thrilled for you!

  4. Ok, I've read the post now and I love picturing you on the couch, snuggled with your dogs and tea and preggerness! Hooray. Seriously, I'm so overjoyed for you.

    ps: if you like rooibus tea, we recently discovered "red espresso" which is not really espresso but it's specially processed rooibus tea that you brew like espresso and can make into a nice latte - Fern LOVES it. It is quite tasty.

    Ok, one last YAY!!!!!

  5. though i've already screamed my excitement via email, i've gotta do it here too -- YIPEEEEEEE!!!!! so, so, so, so happy for you!

    enjoy every moment of these upcoming nine months :)

  6. WooHoo!! Now the question is hully gully, hands blue, how many:)

  7. HOORAY! Oh my goodness, YOU are preggers! This is fant-fucking-tastic!! I am beside myself in joy for you!!

    Not enough exclamation points for you!!! SO happy for you.

    mwah mwah mwah!!

  8. So incredibly happy for you!!! Can't wait for more details.

  9. Congratulations again... and again and again and again! I couldn't be happier for you. :-)

  10. I know I said this by email but you preggers = freakin awesome.

  11. hooray!!!! Oh I am so happy for you! I've been peeking waiting for some happy to hear this! I wish there was a bigger smiley than :D

  12. A million congratulations!!! I got so excited reading your post that my baby started jumping and squirming. I'm not kidding! This is such wonderful news and I am SO HAPPY for you and S. You've had such a long, hard journey. And now begins a new and exciting journey! Yes, lots of twists and turns, but lots to feel happy about and look forward to too. Have a wonderful weekend. Now, go buy at least 10 more pee sticks and pee on one each day. You'll want to save them for a while and look at them for months to come! (kind of gross, but true!)

  13. WHOO HOO!!!! Congratulations! This is such great news!! How exciting for you and S!

  14. SHIT YEAH! Woohoo!!!!

  15. Congrats, hope you have a healthy and uneventful 8 months or so.

    Massive, huge, gigantic congratulations!!!!!

  17. Big BIG congratulations!!! We are so close now we get to be pregnancy buddies!! Wishing you much joy and happiness in this time xx

  18. Congratualtions!!! I saw you post from the phone this morning and had to wait to reply from work!! I'm truly happy for you my friend, I tld you I was a good cycle buddy to have around, I'm going to sell tickets next time! I'll be posting about this later :O)

    Much love and enjoy the moment! Fran

  19. Congratulations!!!! We're almost exactly on the same schedule...we're pregnant buddies now:) So happy for you guys! You add 2wks for the due date so if you're due to go in for your blood test soon you're probably right at about 4 weeks!!!! It's my first time ever seeing a BFP too, it's an amazing sight isn't it?! Soak it in & have fun celebrating!

    I'm just so so so so thrilled and excited for you. This is fantastic! Hugs and love from here! :)

  21. Mazel tov!!! I've been waititng to see this!

  22. Yippee, yay, woo hoo!! So happy for you.

  23. WOW!!! Over the MOON happy for you!!! Congrats, congrats, congrats!

    My main pregnancy symptom in early pregnancy was exhaustion-- I was *so* tired all the time! I'm still tired now, but at least I'm not taking two hour naps and sleeping 12 hours a night anymore. I have never slept like I slept during early pregnancy-- it was seriously comical how much I just slept and slept and slept.

    (And I still have my pee sticks, all five of them, as I watched each day the line get darker and darker. I can't bring myself to throw them away. It was just such a special thing to FINALLY see two lines, that I see them every morning on the sill above our kitchen sink, and I'm reminded of the thrill of that first feeling that I was going to be a mother, finally. So special.)


  24. You know how thrilled I am for you but I want to tell you again... I'M THRILLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Congratulations. Enjoy every moment of it. When are you due?

  25. WOW. Fantastic news!

  26. YIPPEEEEE!!!!! Best news of the day!!! And to think you got a BFP with evening tinkle! It's not even concentrated with HCG at this point! Do you go in for a beta to find out the #?? I had zero pregnancy symptoms at your point, so you're way ahead of me ;).

    I'm so happy for you!

  27. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What Amazing news! I'm soooo happy for you both!

    So very very happy for you and S!

    Congratulations mommas!

    great wonderful happy news


  29. Hi! I found you on LFCA, and wanted to tell you congratulations!!! :0)

  30. HOLY PREGNANCY, BATMAN! Heartfelt congrats! WOOOO! I just did a little happy dance at my desk for you! :) Can't wait for the updates! :)

  31. I am so happy for you! I can't wait to hear how many are in there, and follow the journey with you! And I won't mention it on FB til you give the ok!

  32. I know I already commented today, but it's still fun to come and see your good news. And I nominated you for a blog award. :)

  33. Wohoo! What a wonderful feeling to be pregnant for the first time! I hope, hope, hope it will go just perfectly smoothly from here on out.

  34. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm thrilled for you :) Such awesome news!!!!

  35. HURRAH, HURRAH, HURRAH!!! Gosh that is such exciting news and great numbers!!! Congratulations! You have made my day with that news!!

  36. can explain. What DPO is it?

  37. Oh what wonderful news!!! Hugs and good wishes and more hugs!!!

  38. found you on babyinterrupted's recommended bloggers and wow! congrats to you!! great for me to read your first and have it be this!

  39. I can't believe I missed this yesterday! I decided to randomly check tonight thinking you may have news soon to find out the best news! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Great news! I will have my beta on Monday. I am hoping the weekend goes by fast. Congratulations again and enjoy it!!!

  40. I am so happy and excited for you, congratulations!!

  41. YAY!! What wonderful news!

  42. Saw your news on LFCA and wanted to say congratulations!!!!! I bet you have two little ones in there with a high beta like that. Mine was 345 on 14DPO (9dp5dt) and it was quads!! =)

    Very happy for you!!

  43. congrats! such great news!


  45. Great beta!
    they look to have the beta double every 72 hours or so. Here's a link to a calculator:

    And progesterone will be monitored so they can supplement you as needed!

    congratulations! hope tomorrow brings a great number too so you can relax a little!
    best wishes,

  46. So so so so so so so so so so so so so happy for you!!! It feels like it's my own all over again. Here's to happy and healthy nine months!!

  47. So nice to see all the joy and exuberance and well-wishes here! It is exciting, isn't it??!!!

    The red line on the 2nd pee stick was even darker and stronger, so here's hoping that today's blood test confirms that!

  48. Congratulations!!!!! We are so happy for you!! May you have a healthy and happy 40 weeks :)!

  49. I knew it...I JUST KNEW IT! WOW!!!!!!!! So very happy for you and yours. I'm doing the happy dance for you over here in Ohio!
