Tuesday, February 9, 2010

the deed is done!

Thanks so much for all of your good wishes and stalking and cheerleading! I am so honored and pleased to have so many well wishers!
In a nutshell it went well!
We drove through a snow-storm to get to the clinic and were early as the roads weren't bad, so we stopped at Starbucks - me for hot milk (!!!) and S for her usual mocha. We even had time to go to The Shack ( my second least favorite store after Best Buy) so S could get a charger for her phone. I know you don't really need to know all these details but I just can't help myself.
So we got to the clinic and S videoed us walking into the clinic in the snow and we hunkered down on the couch ( only comfortable seating in the waiting area) to get busy drinking water and hanging out. I took Noodlegirl's advice and took it slow with the drinking - especially since last time I had to empty my bladder TWICE before the transfer because I drank so much and my kidneys are apparently over-achievers.
We actually got called into the back early this time and were able to hang out in our room and relax a bit (or try to relax!) We both had a bit of the giggles as we did last time and were feeling in pretty high spirits - although there was a surreal quality to it all too. S did some videoing of me in my gown in the bed and then the doctor ( my Mr Tanned and Silver Haired guy ) came in and told us about the embryos. I think they were both 1ABs -and he said they were great and had thawed perfectly. We still have five frosties left, though I only have one more IVF procedure left on my insurance and I so don't want to do this again.
I remember lying on the bed at one point and trying to relax and thinking, God this better work - I can't bear it if it doesn't!
After a while the embryologist came in and identified herself and asked me to do the same and told me I had really two lovely embryos! Very cool.
The ultrasound tech was Little Miss Cheerful from last time who makes the whole thing poetic and talks about the embies coming home and stuff like that. Her chatter irritates me a bit, but she really does mean well and she is very thorough.
It turned out that my bladder was the right fullness so she said I did not need to empty it. It was feeling pretty full to me, but I deferred to her. (Stupid people!)
So the doc comes in and starts his business and to cut a long story short he could not get the catheter in past the bends in my uterus. They pushed and pulled and the ultrasound tech manipulated my belly and he realigned the speculum and it was really uncomfortable and I thought my bladder was going to burst. I was also petrified that this was not going to work and they were going to give up, and I kept telling myself that this discomfort was nothing compared to childbirth and I had better get a grip. Finally the ultrasound tech told the doc that she could see my bladder filling up and it might help if I emptied, so everything stopped and I had to go and fill up two and a half cups to get things realigned and going again. It's really hard to pee when you have been trying not to for the past hour!
When I came back they set everything up again and at some point my "wrinkly"cervix was mentioned. The ultrasound tech asked me if I knew about it and I said no I didn't!!! I was thinking that maybe she wanted to confer with my obgyn nurse who told me I had a very pretty cervix but I didn't.
Apparently the half empty bladder did the trick and they were able to get the catheter in pretty fast and then call for the embryos which were waiting in their incubator:)
So the embryologist comes in and I hear, "two for Claire P....." and in they go and I didn't get to see the burst of light, but we have pics.
All the nurses told me to go home to bed and not go anywhere for today and tomorrow and not do any work. I think they were much more emphatic about it this time. And I got the message loud and clear. In fact I have been looking forward to this part quite a bit!!!
So we are home now and lounging. S has a horrible ear-infection and is suffering quite a bit but is being a trooper. We just ordered delivery from our favorite pizza place and in a couple of hours we have cleaners coming over! Yes I did it, I bit the bullet. This crew is a worker owned cooperative that uses green products so I don't have to feel quite so guilty about being the lady of the manor ordering up the serfs.
So that's it. I have some chick flicks to watch ( one of them is Baby Mama!!!!) and I am going to lounge in bed and watch them and send happy vibes to my two babes.
Thanks again so much for all of your support and good vibrations! I don't know if I could do it without you all:)


  1. Woot, woot! Enjoy being PUPO, mama! Sounds like everything went perfectly and I'm sending you many P&PTs that things continue on perfectly for the next 38 weeks!

  2. Well done my friend!!! I've been checking on you so much!! Do take it easy and when is your test/beta day? Much love and to little ones stick!!! Fran

  3. Yay! Take it easy, enjoy your movies and RELAX!

    Stick, embryos, STICK!

  4. Hooray! Nestle in tight little embies!

  5. Fantastic! I love the image of you reclining with your pizza while surrounded by busily mopping lady serfs, as your embies bury deep and well within the lining of your kinky uterus.
    Good luck & happy relaxing!

  6. Hooray!

    Rest up and let those babies settle in.


  7. Nice work! I am glad things went well and I hope you are getting lots of rest to help them implant!

  8. I am so excited for you, relax and enjoy the quiet, sending you positive fertile thoughts!

  9. Wooohhooo! Sending a giant high-five and loads of goodness and luck your way! Enjoy your down time! :)

  10. PUPO!! Sending lots of good thoughts and "hanging in there" vibes to you and your lovely embies.

  11. Yay!!! I have such a great feeling about this transfer. I am pouring my hope for you into a long distance pneumatic tube that will launch it from my house to yours.

    Enjoy your resting days and grow that baby!

  12. Settle in little emby(ies)!!!! Enjoy your relaxation, Mama :)

  13. Sending lots of stickiness your way. So exciting!

    My successful IVF transfer was similar (wonky cervix). No fun; but so worth it in the end.

    Dig in little embryos, your mamas want to meet you.

    So, when are you going to poas?!?

  14. Go envies go! All fingers crossed that this one is IT!!

  15. Hooray! Glad everything went well.

  16. I am so excited for you! 2 perfect embryos in your "wrinkly" uterus = perfection. I cannot wait for your 2 pink lines post.

  17. Enjoy the movie watching and bed rest as your blasties nestle in!! Sending good luck vibes your way...

  18. Thank you for your comment on my blog and many many congratualtions on your transfer.

    I am in Cardiff. There might be a pic on my profile of Ireland as that is where I grew up as a kid.

    Will be crossing fingers legs and everything for you both in the next 2 weeks. x

  19. Hey there - is it ok to reply by commenting! I am in Splott/Adamsdown so very near Roath but have lived all over.
    We're right by the Royal Oak - do you know it?
    Coincidentally my mum did her social work degree in Cardiff, infact that's how we all ended up here. What a small world.

    I love love love Martha - was so sad to hear she gave birth so prematurely but I think she's getting great care from the NHS here.


  20. how funny - my mum lives in Penarth and I went to school there. The royal oak is on the junction at the newport road end of Broadway.

    I don't recognise the pub you mention though.

    I am not really Irish, just lived there as a child on the West coast. I am not even properly Welsh as I was born in England. I do feel Welsh though, having lived here since I was 7.

    Isn't it funny how you come across people you have things in common with just through blogging :)

  21. Woo-hoo, so glad things went smoothly for you today! Wow, thanks for stopping over to my blog, we have so much in common! I have also read a majority of the books on your montage, hilarious! I go in for my blood test Monday...I cannot wait to get the results!!! Hoping we both get some good news this cycle:)

  22. Happy 1dpt (sorry I'm late getting here)! It sounds like it was a bit of a rough ride but you did great (ugh, that bulging bladder is a killer!) and now you've got embies inside you. Enjoy your rest and I'm keeping everything crossed for you!

  23. I have a wonky cervix too so I totally understand the stress. It took them 4 times to get my catheter in. I am hoping you guys enjoy the chick flixs and all goes implantingly! Best wishes!

  24. YAY!!!

    I'll be stalking your blog for happy updates!

    I'm so hoping for you!

  25. Glad it went well. sending great thoughts your way. Wasn't baby mama hilarous?

  26. just popping in to say im thinking of you and hoping for good news later this week! *fingers crossed*

  27. Hi. JUst a note to say that I am thinking of you! The wait is driving me mad. How are you holding up?

    Fingers crossed that THIS fet is the one.

  28. Hey lady, thanks for the blog comment & happy wishes! I'm definitely sending them your way too!! The 2ww is awful; I also was feeling really tired, a bit irritable, & had an increased appetite...but you never know those could all be from the progesterone injections too, hard to say! Hope the rest of your wait goes by quickly...wishing you lots of good vibes & happy, pregnant thoughts:)

  29. Absolutely cheering for you. And despite what I've been writing about lately, I do have lots of extra hope in reserve for other people. I loved reading your post--so much energy, as if you were capturing something in the process of being and becoming. Nest down, little ones, and all happy beginnings and connections wished to you.
