Monday, February 8, 2010

Transfer is tomorrow!

And no, it's not an implantation, people, it's a transfer:) I know I am preaching to the converted here, but you know, popular culture being what it is, some people like to use the word "implant" because the masses can't understand the whole transfer idea.

We know there will be a transfer; we hope there will be implantation.

Do you think I can ask the doctor to add a bit of glue just to help the implantation work better?

My one freak out moment was when I forgot to start taking my antibiotics on the day I was supposed to (Thursday) and only remembered on Saturday. It's zithromycin, an allegedly low harm antibiotic, which my very clever friend tells me works for five days after you have stopped taking it, meaning that they don't mind if I have it in my system on T-day. I have two more doses to take - please tell me it won't hurt the baby if I take them tomorrow and Wednesday.

The transfer is tomorrow at 11.15 am CST - I need to be there at 10.15 am to fill my bladder with water. Other instructions that I didn't get last time? Eat a good breakfast and bring some warm socks!!!! Who knew?!!!

Other stats; two embryos, two day's rest and two fingers crossed for two lines! (Note to self: buy pregnancy tests!)


  1. Good luck! 10 fingers & toes crossed over here for you.

  2. SO exciting!! Good luck with your implantation! ;)

    One warning about the water -- don't start guzzling an hour ahead of time even if they say you should. I was DYING by the time they took me in and then they made me half empty it anyway (torture!) because they said half full is better than bursting. That was my first ET. For the second (and successful one), I didn't start drinking until half an hour before and then kept emptying a little until they took me in half an hour late.

    Best of luck, I'll be thinking of you and your dynamic duo tomorrow!

  3. oh sweetie, I am so happy to share the madness with you! And by the way, you know that some scientist did in fact commercalise in the past an embryo-glue? it was a total flop, no evidence whatsoever of any improved pregnancy! In my case I wanted a GPS system for the embryos! Sweetie I have everything crossed for you this time, don' worry about the antibiotic at all, but why do you have to take it? I had to for ER but never had to take it for a FET. Much love, Fran

  4. Yeah!! I will be concentrating on sending lots of positive energy your way at 11:15am tomorrow!

  5. Woohoo! I will be thinking of you tomorrow and will be thinking huge, hopeful thoughts for you! (and your, ahem, implantation) ;)

    Lots of luck and a big hug!

  6. Woohoo! I'm so completely excited for this transfer. I've got everything I can think of crossed for you!

  7. Woohoo! I'm so completely excited for this transfer. I've got everything I can think of crossed for you!

  8. So exciting! Everything crossed, lots of prayers, and good wishes for a perfect transfer. Popular culture using the word "implant" makes me C.R.A.Z.Y.

    Good luck!!

  9. I will be thinking about you tomorrow and keeping everything crossed. xoxox

  10. whoop whoop!! i am SO SO excited! sending you mongo big wishes for a successful transfer and subsequent implantation (and 9 months!)

    (btw, i totally have a pet peeve about the mis-use of the word implantation too!)

    cant wait for the update :)

  11. Good luck, I have been following your blog for inspiration and really hope it goes well for you.

  12. You are going to have a room filled with well-wishers tomorrow(in spirit only because the other way is creepy). This is the one. 2 perfect frost babies = 1 perfect take home baby! I will be sending all my best sticky vibes your way.

  13. Hoping so hard this is the one for you! Everything crossed for you.

  14. Wishing you much luck!! Hoping this is it for you!

  15. Good luck!!! Implant, embies, implant!!

  16. Good luck! Sending lots of implantation vibes!!!

  17. Good luck!!!!! Prayers, good vibes and anything else positive being sent your way!

  18. Good Luck! I'll be thinking of you and thinking super sticky thoughts.

  19. Happy Transfer! And I'm hoping and praying the impantation is next! Good luck with your two little embies! I'll be thinking of you and sending you good vibes. Love and hugs.

  20. oooh excitement. will have everything crossed for you :o)

  21. LOl about the implantation...I had to correct my Mom on that until I was blue in the face and she still didn't get it. Thinking of you and GL!

  22. Thinking of you! Stalking you, actually! Can't wait to hear how it went.

  23. Just checking in again this morning to say ROCK THAT TRANSFER! :) Big hug!

  24. thinking of you this morning and sending sticky vibes your way. dig in, little embies!! :)

  25. Luck, luck, luck!

    FWIW, my primary RE didn't even prescribe antibiotics. My secondary RE (Dr. Main Dude) ended up being the one to do my retrieval and transfer and he got really pissed that I hadn't been taking the antibiotics and prescribed them for me, and I started taking them far later than I was supposed to. And things ended up being fine for me.

    Crossing my fingers for you!

  26. Praying the transfer went well and sticky vibes

  27. Hey lady from LFCA, hope the transfer went fantastically smooth & you enjoy some relaxation & bed rest:)

  28. Thank you for stopping by my place! Keeping my fingers, toes, and legs crossed for you!
