Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Heartbroken - none baby related

I don't have the emotional energy to tell the whole story now, but we have been fostering / sheltering some neighborhood stray / feral cats ( all sweet, non -aggressive but very shy) and we've been trying to find homes for them so they can ditch their outside lifestyle for something more comfortable and permanent. Here are the kitties.
We housed them in our back bedroom over the winter ( and they were free to come and go when the weather improved) and were optimistic about finding them homes this spring. Well you know it's kitten season, everyone is getting foreclosed on and giving up their pets, and our cats aren't what you would call "desirable" in the  adoption world.

We have tried and tried to find them  suitable loving and understanding homes and even had two visits this weekend  with prospective adopters, and each ended up with  a heartbreaking and resounding NO.
We consulted the local shelter who said they would do terribly in a shelter and be way stressed; relocating to a farm would be cruel as it's taking them out of their own environment and they often get lost or disappear and don't return.

They need a house with a cat door and a yard and someone to love them forever.  We happened on this whole thing by accident and  our teeny "spare" room was overtaken with  sweet and funny cats,  litter-boxes and fur-balls and S is allergic and we need somewhere to be at least half a baby room. And our two dogs want to eat them. I never planned to have cats. I love them but because of S's allergies it was out of the question. They  showed up under the neighbors porch two years ago and I started feeding them and spayed / neutered them, provided them with heated shelters,  cared for a litter of kittens that they had, found the kittens  homes and gradually these adult cats started hanging around more and wanting to be with us and bond with us.

I have become so attached to them. I have been sobbing for three days at the thought that the only solution ( according to the feral cat lady at the local shelter ) is to acclimatize them back to being permanent outdoor cats with shelters and heated bowls and the perils of crossing the roads and having to fight for territory with big- ass big- balled strays  and neighborhood bully cats.
If you read this and feel you could give one or more of them a home, I will drive any of them up to 500 miles to get to you ( isn't that a song?)
I know it's a long shot. And if you can't do anything, please send happy home vibes their way.
Thank you:)


  1. Aww, so sorry my friend. M and I have taken in our fair share of strays over the years - neither one of us has an ounce of resistance when it comes to animals in need. I hope you are able to find good homes for them.

  2. Oh sweetie. I am so sorry. I wish I could take them alas we are over-run with cats and dogs. I hope hope hope someone can give them a good home. ((hugs))

  3. Oh petal, first of all I had a heart attack as I saw the first word of your title...then I realised at least you were ok. I'm so sorry for the cats, we all seem to be having horrible time with them!! Wishy also had lost one.Thinking of you, be strong. Fran

  4. We live in NC -- but I hope you find homes for your fur babies! I am sorry you're going through this. Sounds like a tough situation. You have a good heart to help them.

  5. Ugh, this is a heart-wrenching story. If it is any consolation at all, cats are pretty adaptable, and especially since now it is summer, they will probably easily adapt to being outside again and you will have plenty of time to devise warm shelters for them before the winter.

    I hope you find them decent homes, but an outside life (with food and shelter) is not a bad one for cats.

    I wish I could do something for you...It is wonderful that you have been so good to them and are being so responsible in transitioning them.

  6. Oh I'm so sorry (but like Fran, my heart sank to my socks when I read the first word of your title).

    I hope that you find homes for them, they look so adorable and clearly mean so much to you.

    Many hugs.

  7. It's so heart breaking that you potentially have to get hurt for trying to do a kind thing. I'm be sending tons of kitty prayers to the adoption gods that someone will popup for those cuties and your mind can be at ease.

  8. Hey, sadly I so get this. I just posted today about our Naranja disappearing and leaving her three 6 weeks old kittens behind. Fortunately we rehomed the kitties to a friend of a friend in Luxor, South Egypt. All of our cats, too just showed up one day. We have never been animal lovers, didn't dislike them, but never had any pets. Now we are such crazy cat people its funny. They are so loveable, and I so get not wanting them to be released into the "wild" with mean cats around. I SO SO SO hope you can find homes for them, is Craigslist maybe an option? I'll be checking in to see how things go. Best of luck girl. xoxoxox

  9. Oh t-gal. I'm so sorry. I wish I could take them in. But like many other readers, my house is pet-full already. :( I hope you find them homes soon. Have you posted on craigslist or at local venues with flyers?

  10. awww..if you were in oklahoma i would take one! i love kitties :)

  11. Oh, how hard. Those cats are so luck to have you in their corner. I hope you find homes for them soon!

  12. So sad. I'm really really sorry. I actually asked my parents if they were interested in adopting them, but unfortunately they had a terrible experience with a feral cat they adopted (bit children, peed everywhere, etc.) and aren't willing to try again :(

    I'm really sorry and hope you can find a loving home for those sweeties.

    PS I'd totally take them if I didn't already have two cats...

  13. I'm so sorry to hear this. Do you know anyone with a farm?while I don't love the idea of outside cats, farms tend to be good places for them as they are away from main roads. Thinking of you!
