Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Scared to go off my meds - do I need IF rehab? with update

Help! I'm going off my meds and I am scared to do it. Will the lack of meds screw this whole thing up? 
I am at the beginning of week 11.
I know you are not doctors ( well not all of you!) but here goes.
Here is my current protocol:
4mg estradiol 2x per day
400mg prometrium 1x per day
1 cc progesterone in oil 1x per day

These are the instructions I got from my doc when I emailed him to say I was so excited last week when we met I couldn't remember any of the instructions:

Decrease the dose of estradiol to 4 mg daily instead of twice daily and then discontinue in 1 week.
Decrease the 1cc Progesterone to 1/2 cc and then DC in 1 week.
In 1 week decrease the Prometrium to 200 mg and then discontinue after 1 week.

I am worried that it's all going to be over when I stop taking the meds. Remember I did an FET with  BCP suppression, Lupron, tons of estradiol and progesterone. None of my own hormones to speak of. The theory is that  the placenta will take over. Please tell me that's true. I am tempted to keep taking the progesterone a bit longer but would that mess with the other meds? 
Why don't I just ask the doc? Well, I got discharged last week! He did say to let him know if I had questions, etc. Ho hum.

What to do?

**** the update is... i emailed my RE and he explained the whole placenta thing - well in one sentence really and said I could stay on an extra week if I wanted. I decided to split the difference and start the weaning on the weekend rather than today. I was calculating and the babe has been in me for 8 weeks exactly since transfer and it was 5 days old when transfered. So now I am like - how can I be in my 11th week? I know it's all these due date tricks they play! thanks for the reassurance and hope:)


  1. You don't need IF rehab as much as trust that one is not meant to stay on hormonal support for the duration. That said, I was on 3 kinds of progesterone, plus baby aspirin, plus a steroid and had three 1st trimester bleeding episodes. I was convinced that coming off the meds would doom my pregnancy.
    I did a step down regimen akin to what your doc has described and everything was A-OK. It took 6 months for the welts and knots from the PIO to dissipate!
    I felt so much better once I came off the meds and was able to connect a bit more to my pregnancy.
    You could have your P4 levels tested and if they are sky high can infer that the placenta + additional support is what's causing it. Then again...

  2. Do whatever makes you feel more secure. There's nothing dangerous about weaning yourself off more slowly. That being said, I meant to wean myself off of progesterone at 10 weeks when my RE said I could go cold turkey and it's like my brain just shut off at the mere prospect of decreasing meds. After 4 months of taking numerous meds religiously every day, I simply could no longer remember to take a daily progesterone dose. So, I inadvertently went cold turkey at 10 weeks and even me, an inveterate spotter, had zero side effects. Good luck!!

  3. I think you should call up your doc and discuss your concerns. On a smaller scale I felt the exact same way when I went off Metformon and Progesterone at 12 weeks. It's hard to trust anyone, even yourself, when you want something so badly. No rehab needed. (;

  4. i had a similar step-down regimine and was similiarly terrified to really follow-through! all of the doctors and literature say the placenta will take over around 10-12 weeks, but its so hard to trust! i had extra progestrone, so i kept on taking it until it was gone, about an extra 10 days or so. i just couldn't let go until the very end! ;) so yea, i totally understand your hesitation. ((()))

  5. Your hesitation is so understandable. See if you can taper at a rate that feels comfortable to you. But I am quite positive that your baby has a placenta that is nourishing him/her and that your body will do this right. Hugs.

  6. First, {{{}}}. I would also call the doctor to ease your mind. I was so happy to be done with the meds that I followed doctor's orders, though I completely understand where you're coming from. I'm just positive all is well and you and your little one will be great!

  7. Like everyone else, I was weaned off slowly, not stopping until after week 12. I think your Doc could slowly wean you and have you feeling more secure. I think it is ok to ask. I will also say that I feel much better off the meds and hope you will, too.

  8. Me too. I was scared to death to stop all those "support" meds. Everyone reassured me it was okay, and that indeed the placenta takes over. And it was okay. Just to be sure though, I asked (okay, arm-twisted) at my very next appointment to have an u/s because I wanted to see with my own eyes that the baby's heart was still beating! They accommodated me and sure enough, Bunny was doing beautifully - supported by his very own placenta!

    It will be okay for you too!

  9. The placenta will take over. You will be fine. I switched from PIO to vaginal progesterone in week 6 or so. And then discontinued the vaginal progesterone in week 8 or 9. So, I think you will be fine at week 11. Most docs discontinue it at around the ten week mark, though I have heard of some who continue through week 12. My particular doc for whatever reason felt that week 8 was sufficient.

    BUT, I also recommend that you share your concerns with the doctor, who can hopefully reassure you that it's okay to cease the additional hormones. Even if you were just discharged, you still are well within your rights to call and ask for clarification.

  10. omg, i feel your pain. i am not sure i ever want to come off these meds! lumpy ass and all!

    i would definitely talk to your doctor though. maybe they'll approve continuation to some degree if it helps make you feel better. good luck!

  11. Been there. Done that. And from the looks of your comments, we're both in good company. :-) I too was petrified to stop and continued for an extra week or so, until I ran out of meds. Then I spent the next week checking my underwear for blood a la the end of a 2ww. It's nearly impossible to fall back on faith after all we've been through, but don't forget there's a lot of fancy-schmancy science on your side as well. (Easy for me to say from here - please reference above to see how bad I am at taking my own assvice!)

    And in other news... 11 weeks?! Awesome!! You're almost out of the first trimester already!

  12. I just went off cold turkey two days ago. I felt like I needed rehab too. So far, so good. I hope the transition goes well.

  13. You definitely don't need IF rehab. Going off the meds is scary as ****! I was terrified and actually stayed on them for a lot longer than most. I was on PIO until 16 weeks, though part of that was due to the bleeding.

    I would discuss your concerns with the new OB or even with your RE. Ask if they will keep you on the meds for another few weeks.


  14. I successfully d/c prometrium when I started my 2nd trimester, if that helps. I can't speak for the other meds though, sorry.

  15. Oh sweetie, i hear ya! Joeys poor hips look terrible and we are beyond ready for her to be of the shots. But then again, the shots provide so much comfort. It will be hard to stop. Addiction is a pretty good metaphor! I like the new plan.... Baby steps, ya know.

  16. Remember that they count your weeks by the date of your last period, so when you find out you're pregnant, you're already considered 4 weeks pregnant. (I think that is the weirdest thing ever.) Hence the "8 weeks/11 weeks" dilemma.

    I discontinued progesterone on Monday; I was told to go through 10 weeks, which was the previous Thursday, but I decided to use up the remaining 4 days' worth of pills. I sort of hoped that my morning sickness symptoms would ease up, but nope...but, on the other hand, I'm relieved that the lack of extra progesterone didn't seem to have much effect.

    At least you're not alone in all the worrying! We're right there with you. :)

  17. Longtime lurker warning:

    First off Congrats! Second, I was terrified of going off progesterone. So terrified in fact that I continued it through 15 weeks. When I saw my dr. at 15 weeks she basically told me I was a nut and to stop taking them. I asked what the odds were that my placenta wasn't producing it. She said 0%. She told me that the amount you get from supplements is so small that if there was a problem with the placenta we'd know it by know.
    So, I don't know if that provides you any comfort. But that day I did stop taking them. I stayed up all night praying to the gods of Ali Babba that my little sprout wouldn't die. So far so good:) Good luck!

  18. Oh yes, can I get a hell yeah!! I was very panicked and hyperventilatingy (I believe it is good to make up words!) when my massive hormonal regime dropped to nothing from week 10 to week 12 (though I still have the lovely Clexane injections even now) but in the end, I trusted the doctor, did what he said and now I am at 19 weeks with all looking good - I am sure you will be fine!!

    All the best!

  19. Hey thanks for your comment. I had to look up "what a palava.." LOL never heard that expression before. Um how excited am I for you? How close are we huh? Bellabands rock man.
