Thursday, March 25, 2010

The next ultrasound

Firstly, thanks for all your words of support and "been there" and hope and love. You all rock, seriously. Couldn't do it without you.
I didn't want to keep anyone in suspense but I couldn't decide what to do and was vacillating on my course of action. NOT because I wasn't ready to give that nurse a piece of my mind, but mostly about scheduling and needing my honey with me.
So I decided to wait. S is out of town and I don't want an ultrasound without her there at this crucial stage. She returns on Monday and  we are going together on Tuesday for our final visit to the RE and for the ultrasound.
The good news is the bleeding has again abated. I have plenty of pregnancy signs and symptoms - most notable complete exhaustion, a weird yo-yo-ing appetite; I'm ravenous, I'm full, I feel sick, I'm going to retch, give me food! give me more food! Give me 7 up. Ice cream. Pancakes. Eggs. Fruit. Yoghurt. Potatoes. I am a  big fan of ginger candies for the nausea.
You get the picture. I think I am still pregnant. I know I didn't have a miscarriage. I believe that Baby A's heart is still beating. I am trying to nurture hope.
You can guarantee you'll be the first internets to know how things go on Tuesday.
Have a great weekend all.

Next time I'll tell you about my visit to the Ob/Gyn's office  and the fun I had there signing papers about our "family".


  1. All sounds great! Here's to an excellent final RE's visit and ultrasound :)

  2. Wishing you much luck with the u/s - it all sounds very encouraging! Hugs xx

  3. I am sure everything is fine, you have been great at holding out, I don't think I would have been able! Looking forward to your next update!

  4. You are being quite the champ! I amsure you are right that Baby A is doing fantastically and that the bleeding was most likely another sad/scary effect of Baby B. You certainly still sound very pregnant!! Yay!

    I am looking very forward to hearing about your ultrasound and about the OB visit.

  5. You should *very* pregnant to me! I'm sure everything is fine!! Good luck with your next appointment!

  6. so glad to hear the bleeding has stopped and the pregnancy symptoms have set in!

    ill be looking forward to tuesday's report. waiting unitl your sweetie is home to go with you makes total sense.

  7. I will be wauiting eagerly for the pics of happy baby A! Sorry you have had such a rough patch but it seems like you've kept your head (even whilst tossing your cookies). Have a wonderful relaxing weekend.

  8. Woo hoo, keep that little booger in there!!

  9. It sounds like a good decision to wait and it sounds like those pregnancy symptoms are something powerful! I can't wait to hear the good news on Tuesday.

  10. So glad to hear the bleeding has subsided. Hope that you have a wonderful, relaxing weekend & can't wait to hear how great Baby A is doing on Tuesday:)

  11. I will be thinking of you and sending prayers your way for a great u/s!

  12. Happy to hear the bleeding has stopped and the pregnant symptoms are strong. You are holding up well. Look forward to hearing about the next ultrasound!

  13. Can't wait for the u/s! Be prepared to be overcome with emotion - the u/s, the final RE visit, signing the papers. Bring lots of tissue! Happy, happy tears and good luck!
