Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A little bit mosquito bitten?- with update!

Who knew that malaria would put a spanner ( or a wrench for those of you speaking the vernacular ) in the works for us at this the eleven and three quarters hour? Yup, the donor came back from foreign climes with some kind of case of malaria. i. e. She was exposed at some point and took medication for it. Now we are waiting to hear back from the FDA to see if we can proceed. We should know by Friday. Maybe I will have my period by then - gotta call and schedule u/s and b/w if she stays away much longer . Provera here I come. Strangely I am not mad with her. It just feels like it's part of our self-fulfilling doom and gloom prophecy. say it ain't so!

The donor has been canceled which at least means I don't have to make a difficult decision about what to do next ( i.e. whether to take the risk or not). The donor agency said they would find us someone quick and are supposed to be sending us some profiles to look at today. They said it would not cost us anymore and that this has never happened before. I am waiting to hear from the third party coordinator to find out what the FDA actually said and from my regular nurse to find out if I should fill the Provera Rx she gave me this morning to start my period. Oh and I have a 32mm cyst on one of my ovaries according to the U/S technician who volunteered that information to me. Hmm -was it 32 mmm or cm? or inches???!!!!The visit to the clinic today took over 1.5 hours, and they forgot about me while I was waiting to get my b/w done. Needless to say I was not looking very happy at all by the end of the visit. I am feeling a little more optimistic now though. Another donor to fall in love with again. Ho hum! Onward and upward and please let it be soon!!!


  1. How ironic. There is a discussion about Malaria at this very moment on a pregnancy board I read.In this case the woman is 8 months pregnant and going for her job.

  2. Oh my goodness, you are being so calm about this! I would be throwing an enormous fit, which of course would do no good. I am sorry for yet another delay and complication.

  3. How frustrating!! What a freakin' annoyance... Hopefully it all checks out okay, though and you get the green light. They do like to make you sweat it seems...

  4. are you effin kidding me?! her vacation lasted *forever* and now this!? im with cindy, id be throwing an enormous fit.

    ive got everything crossed for you that friday brings good news.

  5. Thanks for all of your support! I think she was on a humanitarian business trip so I am inclined to not feel so mad about it. But ( sigh) it is really frustrating!

  6. Well, humanitarian business trip or not, I'm with cindyhoo and anofferingoflove on this one. I mean, good grief, if you know you're going to be heading to the mosquito infested jungles of Asia (or wherever she went), why oh why would you agree to be someone's egg donor, knowing they are counting on you to be healthy and ready to go? The intended parents could have chosen someone else - someone not as likely to contract malaria! Well, you have more grace that I. If they say it's okay to proceed, are you comfortable with that?

  7. Of all the things.. malaria hey - hope you get some good news from the FDA.

  8. Feeling all the love here! Thanks to all of you for sharing your concerns and hopes. I also agree with Best When Used By about the timing of the trip, the already existing potential for malaria to be involved. Not a lot of wisdom in that potential donor's actions and choices!! Onward and upward!

  9. The clinic certainly shouldn't charge you an extra penny - and it's nice that they're working hard to help you find another donor right away. Maybe this is all fate. Next year, when you are holding your baby, the little sweetie pie you couldn't imagine being any different, you'll think: "You would be someone else if we hadn't had to switch donors." But what about the cyst? I hope it doesn't present any problems getting started with the new donor.

  10. donors should be forbidden from leaving the country before a cycle! WTF?
    Anyway, hope it works out for the best

  11. I think you have taken this wrench amazingly well. I hate it when my first donor choice doesn't work out. I hope that things with the next donor go really smoothly. Do you have to repeat the whole process with lawyers and everything or will there be less steps b/c you have been through it before??
