Monday, January 26, 2015

Moody Monday

Pre school drop off brings out the insecure mother in me. The girl that was never good at gravitating towards groups-that-move-as-one resurfaces. She feels awkward, frumpy and out of sync. Today Isobel's hair was so tangled in the back I found myself apologizing about it to her favorite teacher, Ms. L, who is this adorable diminutive blonde that Izzie is crazy about. I pick my battles,  and tangled hair is one that often stays on the back burner. I often feel I am channeling my own mother, slightly socially awkward, shy, self critical. I wonder how she felt on these occasions. I think I know. 


  1. Social awkwardness can be hard. My Mom and me, alike in many ways, are opposites when it comes to socialising - she rocks at it while I...oh well.

    1. Thank you! I'm good at socializing in some situations but, yeah! I checked out your blog. Pretty cool! Thanks for coming over!

  2. Oh, I'm so sorry that you feel so bad at pre-school drop off. I hope you can find a way to feel better. Goodness knows we pick our battles with our daughters. The oldest is 7 and especially when she was younger and in daycare we picked our battles and still lost many. One day my wife dropped her off in her pajama pants and handed the teacher her other pants and said sorry and good luck. The teacher laughed and asked Moira if she had given her Mom a hard time and Moira replied "I didn't want to put on my damn pants" so trust me, every parent has been there. Most of the other parents are probably more worried about what you are thinking about them. And the teachers have seen and heard it all! Lots of hugs.

    1. Hi Melissa, thanks for your understanding reply. I'm glad Isobel's teachers are pretty unforgiving too. Great to hear from you. It's been a while. Hope all is wwll$

  3. As a former pre-school teacher, I found situations like this endearing. (And that was pre-kids! Now I could actually relate!)

  4. Big big hugs my friend, I know there's nothing one can say to make you believe you just fine and nobody mind if the hair are tangled, but I still want you to know that I think you are doing a fantastic job. Love, Fran

    1. It warms my heart to hear from you! Thank you! Have you seem the previous post with all the pics of the family? Xoxo hugs!

  5. This is a very familiar feeling for me, and I only get through those social moments by knowing I have a book on my phone. It's like a security blanket.

    1. Thanks, Mel. For understanding and commenting on my first Microblog Monday post. Xo

  6. I feel out of sync and frumpy too, like all the other moms at school grew up and I'm just a kid. It's a very strange feeling!
    I can also relate to picking your battles. Sometimes it isn't worth the fight. Sadie has messy hair everyday!
