Thursday, October 11, 2012

Day 27: From a distance

I have always worked in not for profits. Often there has been no view. Sometimes no window at all. ( We live in a garden apartment so we are already light deprived!)
In my new job I am in the corner of the corner office with windows on two sides. The view is not spectacular but the light is. We have another office in Uptown. This is the view from there facing north. Not bad, eh?


  1. I like it! If I show what I see from my office window you'd know you are lucky! Much love and thanks for your constant support!

  2. No windows here, although sometimes a little bit of light peeks through from the classroom that I share a glass wall with. And it's my fault. Before I became the newspaper adviser, I engineered the switch that led to yearbook getting the huge well-lit office and ended up relegating newspaper to this cave. Bummed.

