Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November: white

Most of these were taken around Lake Michigan, Chicago side. Yesterday during gale force winds, the water was wild and white capped and the sky was gray and cloudy (upper right), today, the water and the  sky were blue, the wind was calm, but there were still white caps (center). Photo credits go to Tireegal and her lovely spouse Zagrepcanka.

Inspired by An Offering of Love's photo project 


  1. I absolutely love your pics, I want to come visit!! Much love from here (you know, the Dude run away again over a month ago...not sure we'll have him back this time). Fran

  2. beautiful! these really capture the chill of the month.

  3. Beautiful pics this month! I love the waves :-)

  4. Gorgeous - I can feel a cold breeze jut looking at them!
