Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

pic by Susan, of Tgal approx 1.30am 2/2/11


  1. oh wow!! at first i was just admiring how beautiful the tree outside was...then i noticed the snowdrift at your door and jumped! wow!!

    what are you doing going outside at 1:30am anyhow?!

  2. Looks familiar - we are in the same boat! Our Wordless Wednesday post was of the same! Pretty soon, we aren't going to have any place to put the snow!

  3. That's pretty cool! I was up at that time too... Driving to get some baby advil before the "storm" hit us... We're
    still waiting!

  4. Yep, that's some weather you are having. Sure is pretty.

  5. We are building a levee of snow along the curb that keeps getting added to every couple of days it seems. I love the snow and hope we get more.Shoveling it is sorta fun and a good workout.

    What i don't like are the mounds of garbage that neighbors have allowed to become part of their snow levees. Guy to the right of us has at least four layers of trash under that snow.Disgusting! Us OCD types shoveled a path through the levee so we could line up all four full garbage cans to woo the sanitation fairies to our address to pick that shit up.

  6. Holy snow - fab pic!! I need something cool to look at - freaking boiling here!!

  7. Oh my!! Love the imprint of the door into the snow!! But you girls better sit tight in the house with a cuppa!

  8. I like your door. Cannot.Even.Talk.About.More.Snow.

  9. Gorgeous! I thought it was a picture on the wall at first! Although I'm glad to be out of the snow belt, I must say (having grown up in a very snowy city) that the utter silence of a blanket of snow under the night sky is one of the most beautiful, peaceful things ever.

    Should I tell you that my first daffodils bloomed in the yard today?

  10. I have to comment again because I was so smitten with the tree and blanket of snow that I totally MISSED the door-form-fitting snow! Holy cow.
