Monday, September 27, 2010

on being an old mother and on baby classes (warning: baby doll and fake booby picture)

Wow - those baby classes are something else. It's like being in a parellel universe where people get pregnant and have babies with regularity and ease and no-one looks like it's at all difficult. And yes, most of these people look to be around 15 years old. Which means they are probably in their twenties and thirties!

I find myself looking at them and wondering what it must be like to a. have a baby when you are "supposed to" i.e. when you are "young" and b. to not be infertile and just tick off baby making on a random  shopping list.

Of course I am making a lot of assumptions, but I just can't help it I guess.

Naturally we are the only same sex couple in our classes so far. No one has asked if S is my mother or my sister though, so that's encouraging progress I guess.

We had a lot of giggles in the breast-feeding class - where we were greeted by these words upon entering: "Take a baby and a breast and sit down."  Said baby and said breast were both cloth and supposed to be quite life like. We felt compelled to take  pictures of the breast and the baby for posterity.

Here they are:
 Wish us luck on our next class: prepared birth, the express version!


  1. I know what you mean! The ob's office is also populated with what looks like the cast of High School Musical-- young mothers skipping in with precious little bellies wearing cutsie outfits and leggings. Whereas Joey and I stride in pushing our walkers looking wizened and grumpy. :) I console myself with studied showing that older mothers have a host of positive attributes the youngsters don't.

    And that picture is priceless.

  2. Awesome, tiregal! Thanks for taking a picture :)

    I feel exactly the same way when I see people with young kids, esp young people with kids. Or I watch a Baby Story on TLC or something and people are like, so we decided to have a baby and a month or two later, done, check! And I think, screw you! But it may interest you to know that we are only 27 and have been going through infertility land for 3 yrs. So being young doesn't always help :( (pineseedling)

  3. that picture made my day - thank you!! :)

  4. Aww, man! My breast feeding class only had one booby for the entire class to share! And we had to bring our own doll/stuffed animal. I chose a rabbit, as it was the closest to a baby-sized object that we had (and was still woefully small compared to an actual human child...). And it felt really weird in the class to practice bringing the head of the bunny to my boob-- here, little bunny! Latch on, dear! Much better with the relatively lifelike doll!

  5. Hee! We didn't have a fake boobie in our bfing class. I know what you mean on the older moms front (40 here with a 9-month-old). Well, we'll have all that life experience to draw on with our little ones, right?

  6. "Take a baby and a breast" - that made me laugh out loud! And I love the pic :-)

  7. Ha, ha love the pic! I was just thinking the other day that if we get pregnant again I think it will be difficult for me to go to one of those classes because I absolutely can't relate to anyone in there, with the exception of looking young. So strange how the rest of the world thinks of TTC. Hope the other classes go well:)

  8. Ha, ha love the pic! I was just thinking the other day that if we get pregnant again I think it will be difficult for me to go to one of those classes because I absolutely can't relate to anyone in there, with the exception of looking young. So strange how the rest of the world thinks of TTC. Hope the other classes go well:)

  9. I love the picture! I'm behind on my comments but I'm glad you're on head rest and destressing.

  10. That cloth boob is priceless. Cracked me up.

  11. Your post and picture made my day! Glad to see you are doing well. You're almost there! XxXx to you and S.

  12. What exactly do you do with the cloth breast? Is it a supportive pillow? Glad to know you are doing well. If you want young parents... Try an Army base! We don't know whether to put the Moms in the teen group or the adult group half the time and normally they are married!

  13. Love the boob and baby. Just love it! Thinking of you.

  14. The other mother on my block is a foot taller than I am, a former model, got pregnant in TWO MONTHS, lost all her baby weight, finished her masters before her baby was three months old, cans her own tomato sauce from her own garden and has an immaculate house. Also, her labor was four hours- TOTAL. I can't even hate her because she is nice, too. I look like a pear standing next to a barbie when I talk to her.

    Our breastfeeding class was chock full of perky preggos. sigh

  15. Oh my word, Tiree!

    Okay, I admit I am a novice when it comes to all of this pregancy/preparing for baby bizo but your picture had me wondering if I'd stumbled into a post which had found you segued into a career designing the props for low budget horror films in your spare time....argh! But I have recovered now! LOL!

    LS x
