Monday, July 12, 2010

Four cats, a dog, two gals and a wedding

Firstly, thank you all for your sweet messages about our beloved dog Ollie.
It'a hard to believe it's just a week since I wrote that last post about him.
We miss him and so does Dylan - although he seems to be adjusting surprisingly well.
He has been diagnosed with pneumonia - after yet another visit to the vet. And one of our four cats, Blackie, is on antibiotics after having an abscess from probably being in a fight. Fun times!

But in wedding news we are plugging away at our Do It Yourself wedding, which will happen on Saturday July 17th at 2pm CST.

 It has been really fun planning it and we had a really good rehearsal last night. Even though we are doing it on the cheap we are still spending more than we can afford. God knows how people who do it "properly" manage!

If I don't sound very excited it's because we still have loads to do to get the house ready for company, buy and make the food and just generally wrangle lots of little details into order and I have not been feeling well.
I have this really weird metallic taste in my mouth and a feeling of being hyper that I have had for about a week. I mentioned it to my midwife the other day and she didn't have much to say about it. It's getting me down.

It's really hard to concentrate at work because there are so many things to do in approximately 5 days and not enough time or energy.  And work is driving me nuts - especially as we have our latest infestation of bed bugs to deal with and one client who is not prepared to do anything to prepare for the exterminators. I can't really go into details here, but suffice to say, I am so over this!!!!

Well, that's all for now folks, I am so beat, but I did want to shout out to you all, and especially to the nice person who sent our wedding news to the LFCA. Thank you!


  1. Woohooo!! the 17th!! Will you post some pics my friend? I'm so happy for you both!!

    About the metallic taste they say it's normal in pregnancy, but one suggestion would be to suck on lemon with a bit of sugar, let me know if it helps! Much love, Fran

  2. Sending happy wishes for the upcoming wedding (and all the days and years after the big day!)

  3. Wow! It's happening! This weekend! Yay! I know that it feels overwhelming, but try to enjoy these moments... Remember, this ceremony is just about the two of YOU and your commitment to each other--that is what will make it perfect! We did ours on the cheap, too (homemade invites, had in my in-laws' garden, a friend took photos, my family made all the food, wore a second-hand vintage dress, etc.), and when I look back there are a few regrets about how much time I spent worrying about certain things-- and especially in hindsight, all that worrying seems like a waste of my time and energy. Because with all those perceived imperfections at the time, the real prize was the hubs and here we are 10 years later. Best thing all... Anyway, point is--it WILL all work out, things will get done, and those that don't get done will also be okay! So, so excited for you and will be thinking of you two this weekend!

  4. So excited for you guys!!! Hope that you're both able to really enjoy the day & don't let the stress of the event get to you...remember what the day is really about & relish every moment, trust me it will go by so quickly!

  5. first, i didnt get a chance earlier to say how sorry i am for your loss. *hugs*

    hope everything comes together for the wedding, i am looking forward to hearing about it and seeing pics! (??) :) congrats!!

  6. Can't wait to hear about your beautiful wedding. One of the best days of our lives so far.

  7. Congrats on your big day! And I totally understand about the DIY wedding on the cheap... The one venue I considered (before deciding on my Mother's backyard) scoffed at me when I told him my budget and told me it was impossible, couldn't be done... We came in a few hundred high... only because the cost of the dj doubled when our original gal broke her ankle two weeks before and we had to find someone last minute and rent equipment...

  8. I'm sure once the wedding day is here, all the work will feel worth it. Do you get any time off before or after?

  9. I'm so happy for you, planning a wedding is a lot of work though!
    I hope all your pets are feeling better!
    Have you been checked for anemia? That can make you have some problems with concentration. Pretty common in pregnant women too.

  10. This weekend! I'm so excited for you both, please post some pictures afterwards :-)

    Will be thinking of you on Saturday!

  11. Congratulations! Hoping you have a wonderful wedding weekend! It's going to be a beautiful day here in Chicago.

  12. Woo hoo! It's so close! One more vote here for pictures shared of the happy day? ;-)

  13. Happy Wedding today, Claire! I hope it is all you dreamed of and is a wonderful day for you!

  14. Thinking of you today. Hoping your wedding is perfect!

  15. Congratulations on your marriage! Sorry I am so late in getting here. Life with baby is busy, but you'll know that soon enough! I hope the wedding day was everything you dreamed it would be and more. Looking forward to some pictures (?!)
