Saturday, January 23, 2010

Happier-go-lucky days!

Dear sweet blog-friends,
Thanks so much for the encouragement and the good wishes.
As lucky would have it, my birthday turned out to be low key but sweet!
I worked all day Friday and was within a hair's breadth of taking someone to the ER / petitioning them, but it all calmed down and the trip was deemed unnecessary. PHEW!!!

My honey left birthday cards on my pillow in the am as she crept out early and I treated myself to being a bit late to work and picking up a favorite latte on the way there.

My co-workers sung the birthday song that I have taught them  twice to me, we had pizza and gelato in celebration of the end of paperwork week and my birthday, there were amazing ginger candies on the snack table called Gin Gins - check out their website at and no I am not getting paid but I might be persuaded.

I left work early ( 4.30 is early for me) and rushed home to assemble my sister's present ( a collage of photos of our dad) and to get ready for dinner out. S and I met my sis and her two girls at a pan-asian / thai restaurant and had comfort food and tea and exchanged pressies. It was fun to talk to them about their lives and plans, everyone else's plans and to share with them about the next adventure in baby -making. The best bit was when my older niece exploded into amazed laughter when we told her that the strongest embies "survive the thaw". To us it's run of the mill. To them it's another world that sounds a bit like antarctica!

Oh and I didn't tell you about the best compliment of the day! I finally had my pap smear - I know -  I like to celebrate my birthday with a gynelogical exam! - and the Nurse midwife who I picked over a rushed OB doctor was sweet and interested and kind. It's amazing to spend time with a medical professional who is actually not in a hurry!!! I think when we do get preggers I might give her a try.
Well, she's down between my legs and she suddenly says: "I wish I could take a picture - you have a very pretty cervix"!!!! I said, I wish you could take one too. I remembered that she said that last time I had a pap. Now I'm not a cynic, so I'm not going to say that is her standard line and I'm going to believe that my pretty cervix is going to be a continued good omen for the baby project!  Quite the most original compliment I thought!

I have been absolutely pooped recently, with bad headaches and a  backache and we came home from dinner and flopped on the couch. S gave me my pressies - a novel called " A Year of Cats and Dogs", some cute book-marks and a funny /  camp vegan calendar,  and then we  flopped into bed where I stayed till 12noon today! Today my lovely friend from work met us at a cute Irish Pub and treated us to afternoon tea ( and I had a Drambuie!) I think that may be my last drink for a while - i.e. nine / ten  months or so. It was good!

So that's my birthday celebrations for this year. It was nice to savor the little things and take each moment at a time. The jury is still out on the Wii. I agree with you all that it would be a great idea, I just haven't got my act together yet.

So now I'm going to catch up on all my missing comments on your blogs and send you some of my happy-go-lucky good vibrations.
lots of love and hugs to you all:)


  1. So glad you feel better! And if you were closer i would lend you my Wii so that you can give it a go before spending the money. I have done the same before getting mine! We never had any consoles before, I was actually pretty much adamant not to have one in the house, but the Wii seemed that bit different and the possibility of doing something useful with it too really made me curious. So a good friend said "try it out first!". She gave it to me with the balance board on a friday, by saturday i was totally convinced we had to have it and on by sunday I had done all my research on where to get the best deal and I bought it!
    Congratulation on the perfect cervix!
    On my cycle: I'm not sure how long it should be, the egg retrieval is schedule for the 3rd of February (but could be a day later) and then, all going well, I will have the transfer 5 days later, probably around the same time as you? I hope so!
    Much love and sorry for the lengthy comment!! Fran

  2. A pretty cervix? How does that work? I've never seen a cervix before.. nevermind a pretty one! LOL!

  3. Haha - I love when medical professionals comment on the attractiveness of my lady bits! When I had the HSG over the summer the GYN told me my tubes were "gorgeous." I'm not sure that's the word I would about functional :)
    Glad you're feeling better.

  4. Sounds like a lovely birthday! An hurrah fior a "pretty" cervix! :-) Sounds like a good sign to me!

  5. I'm glad you had such a lovely day, Ms Pretty-Cervix :-)

  6. Congrats on your pretty cervix! Happy Birthday and wishing you a successful FET! I'm glad this a better year for you.

  7. I just came across your blog and I love it! Happy Late Birthday! It sounds like a good one. I got a wii about for my birthday. I like it a lot. There are so many different things to do that I don't get bored.

    I am having an FET in a little less than three weeks, so I think it will be around the same time as yours. Best of luck to you!!!

  8. Glad you had a great birthday.

  9. So glad to hear it was a wonderful birthday after all. Lots of fun little things to enjoy - cards and compliments and neices' giggles - just lovely. I wonder if anyone else has ever been told on their birthday that they have a pretty cervix? I bet not!

  10. I am SO glad to hear that you had a nice birthday - good on you! That is hilarious about your cervix - what a compliment! I have never gotten a compliment like that before though when doing cycles one of the ultrasonographers said to me "oh, for some reason I remember you" - I said "Because I have two uteruses" and of course that was it!

  11. Happy belated birthday! I'm glad it was a good one, complete with cervical compliments!
    Not sure why, but your blog won't let me post w/my wordpress ID.

  12. Happy Birthday!!! I'm sorry I missed the window for commenting on your last post - I've been a bit behind. I'm glad that the day ended up well, though. I've been coveting a wii lately too. Too bad we don't live in the same city - that way we could play wii together and justify our screen time as social! A wii might be a good way to spend the next nine months when you're feeling a little too tired to go out...just saying!

    I'm so glad you had a great day - you deserve it!

  13. That last comment was me (Olive, Insert Metapho), by the way. It's not letting me post via my WP id, so I'm trying to post with my google id, but it thinks my first name is insert and my last metaphor...

  14. Happy Birthday! And yea, I don't think complimenting a cervix is just filler conversation, so congrats! ;)

  15. So happy to hear that work things have turned out better than expected as did your birthday. Looks like a good start to 2010!

  16. You have a pretty cervix! A compliment is a compliment, I say :)
