Friday, November 27, 2009

All systems go!!! ETA 1st PIO shot down!

I don't know about it being Black Friday as I am on an anti-consuming kick, ( see how long that lasts if I get my BFP! ) but it's definitely HAPPY FRIDAY!
Thanks to our lovely super-fertile egg donor we have 15 mature eggs that fertilized = 15 embryos.  We are waiting to see how they grow in the lab and will hear later today to find out when the transfer is going to be. It could be Sunday or Tuesday. It's going to be two embies.
Everything is looking good from my end ( pun maybe intended) and I am "ready to receive"! i.e. I have an 11.6 lining, it's got all the grooves and snuggle places an embryo needs and the nurse told me that she thinks my estrogen will be fine - it was 107 last I heard. Apparently as long as my lining looks good and my E2 is okay I am good to go. I hope those extra E2 suppositories (!) have been helping!
So today I start the really big shots of Progesterone in Oil ( with a circle drawn in marker on my butt to give S something to aim for ) and antibiotic and prometrium. Still on Lupron, Estrace and baby aspirin and of course pre natals and vegetarian DHA. the nurse suggested that I put a cold pack on my butt for about 5 mins before the shot and a hot flannel and heating pad on afterwards. Any additional advice would be helpful.Keep everything crossed for us:)

And in your news, let me say that I am aware I have been missing in action and I apologize. I have about 10 days in which to catch up. I have been swamped at work and have time to read posts quickly to find out how you are all doing,but rarely time to comment. I will make it all up to you I promise. Thanks for all your love and support and cheering - I honestly can't believe I am even here and although I often sound upbeat and try to cheer myself on,  the first time I really smiled  ( not fake polite smiled) at the Clinic was today when the nurse told me that 15 embryos was great and my uterus was great and all looked really great - was I excited? and I let myself get excited and even envision what a BFP might look like. I have never even let myself fantasize about a BFP  - or not since those heady ignorant days of IUIs when I thought anyone in a skirt could get pregnant ( and those in pants like me, too!). Those were the days, my friends, and these are the days too!

I wish that everyone of us could get to feel excited and hopeful and fantasize about BFPs  in this  game of waiting and planning and grey drudgery that is IF.

BFPs for one and all! Hip Hip Hurray!


  1. Great news Claire and i couldn"t be happier for you to get finally some wonderful news!

    The fact that so many fertilized leaves the door open for more than just one pregnancy in the future:)

  2. Hooray! That is fab. Fingers and toes crossed for you on this Black Friday! May all this waiting finally come to fruition!

  3. Everything sounds perfect! Wishing you all the baby dust in the world, lady!

  4. Wow! You are gone for a few days and come back with friggin' fantastic news!!! Congrats lady! 15 embryos is awesome!!!

    Keep us posted on when transfer will be.

    Ice before/heat after definitely helps. Also, not looking at the needle!! ;-)

  5. That is fabulous news! So excited for you!!!

  6. I rushed right over here to read your news! I'm so excited for you!!! Holy crap, 15 fertilized embies?! I don't think I've ever known anyone to have such a great ER output and fert rate! I am happy to hear your upbeat and positive feelings - I really believe that positive thinking contributes to implantation. I've got everything crossed for you hope with all my heart you get that BFP!!!

  7. Holy crap!! 15 out of 15? Those are some rock star eggs! I am feeling so optimistic for you. It's about damn time you got some good news. :-)

    On the PIO... My trick was to have M rub really, REALLY hard and fast with the alcohol swab until the area was nearly numb (about 20-30 seconds), then jab quickly. I swear I almost never felt a shot. My nerves were so jangled and tingly from the rubbing, they couldn't process the needle stick on top of it. I was sore now and then, but all in all, the PIO was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I even continued it longer than I was supposed to because I was too nervous to stop. :-) Good luck! You can do it!!

  8. Wow - 15 embies! That surely bodes well for you. Good luck for the transfer. Keep us posted.

  9. 15 embryos!!!! Oh my, this is an amazing result! YOur donors might have been a perfect match!

    On the PIO, I've always found that a warm pack before is actually better as the oil will be smoother going in. Tell S to take her time pushing it in, it can even be 5 minutes. It's going to be ok and above all so worth it! You'll be in my thoughts, much love, Fran

  10. Hip Hip Hooray indeed! What an amazing set of embryos you've got there. I'm so happy for you.

    BTW, I did a few PIO shots and found they really weren't that bad. So...don't fret.

  11. Holy cow, 15 eggs and 15 embryo's - your donor is a superstar!! Congrats - I hope that you are going well and that you have a couple of those embies snuggled in nice and tight real soon!!

    I am watching and have everything crossed for you!!

  12. Wow - 15 & 11.6 - what fantastic numbers!!
    Crossing my fingers for a successful transfer!

  13. I have high hopes for you! Sounds like everything is perfectly in order to give you your BFP! Good luck!!

  14. that's great that you are feeling good!

  15. Oh wow, this sounds so amazing! 15 fertilized, beautiful lining, good estrogen - I love it! I'm happy you've been feeling hopeful. I can't wait for your BFP!
