Tuesday, October 20, 2009

ICLW redux - the story so far! With Happy Go Lucky Plans and News!

Hello again, ICLWers. This is only my third  month doing it after taking a long break - for no particular reaaon -  and I am looking forward to it! Here is my updates version of "Tireegal's TTC life" after  Ira Glass' "This American Life".

act i. ambivalence, therapy, soul searching, envisioning, money worries and woes, family drama, baby postponed till a later date ( 5 years)

act ii. decision making, temping, IUIs, clomid, anovulation, low ovarian reserve, age, more family and life drama, IVF attempt number one aborted after no response to heavy meds ( 1.5yrs)

(Heavy servings of gingersnap lattes, carbohydrates, shoe throwing, anger, misery, therapy, blaming, acceptance, adoption research)

act iii. donor eggs on the table, bcps, starting Lupron tonight for trial cycle, picking donor, baseline u/s and b/w on Friday ( 1 month)

act iv. more delays, including  one fibroid to be removed, one egg donor down for malaria, second egg donor down for emergency kidney surgery, third donor chosen and on the way. Scheduled to start Lupron November 1st. Estimated day of donor egg retrieval November 28th, estimated  day of five day transfer December 3rd!!!!! Yippee!!!!

Credits and acknowledgements :
my honey Susan, therapist, dogs, cats, supportive friends and bloggers.

Commence freak-out about where to put the babies ( I know they go in my uterus, silly - I am talking about apartment accommodations!), how many there are going to be, how to keep afloat financially,  how Susan is going to continue to go to school and get sleep, etc etc etc. You get the picture.
Freaked out but excited!


  1. woohoo! ill be counting down the days to retrieval/transfer with you! this one's gonna work, i just know it! :)

  2. Yippee! This is so exciting, and I <3 you for the TAL ref. I always tell Speedy that if I were to turn, it would be for Ira ;)
    Good luck! Third time's the charm!!!
    Babies don't take that much space for the first year...or so. You have a while to figure the accomodations out.

  3. November 1 is coming right up! FXFXFX! You'll figure the space issues out. Baby/ies just need their loving parents, and yours will have that no problem :)

  4. November will be here before you know it:)

    Living in NYC i have seen some very creative ways to may a room into what ever room you want it to be. Those cute little japanese screens are wonderful for sectioning off parts of a room.

    Plus you have at least a year to casually look for a bigger place after they are born.You might stumble across something now if you put the word out that you're looking.

    Best of luck tho!

  5. The act iv timeline is most appealing! I'm so excited for your dreams to come true in December!

  6. Hello my dear, it was great to read a recap of your story and you know, I actually thought you were originally from that Tiree! I hadn't understood the meaning of your name until my DH saw your great blog (while I was reading it ehehe) and said you may be Scottish! Ah well. I ma keeoing everything crossed for this cycle, really not long now!! Love, Fran

  7. Sounds like you have a great plan in place.... don't worry at all about where you're going to put the babies (how many are you planning on transferring???). I keep being told they do not need space. Our LO is moving into a room that is better suited as a closet!! It all works out in the end!

  8. Yay! Onward to pregnancy and motherhood.

    As for your fears, those are such happy worries, don't you think? :)

  9. What does ICLW stand for? I missed that.
    Claire- super thrilled at having some dates nailed down. November 1st is just around the corner.

  10. Yay! I'm excited for you!

    Fingers crossed!

    I'm new to your blog (IComLeavWe)and am looking forward to catching up and also seeing where you're headed!

  11. Best of luck! Just came here through ICLW and looking forward to reading more about your story and will be hoping for good news soon.

  12. Oh yay - another DE gal - I am SOOOO happy that you visited my blog and left a comment (how much do I love ICLW!!).

    Anyway, great news about your cycle, SO exciting - you will be have you transfer the week we head off to Thailand - I will be watching and reading your story with great interest!!

  13. The worries about space and sleep are happy worries, b/c they involve introducing a new person into your family. I am very excited for the new month for you and the start of your injections.

  14. All the best and looking forward to reading your blog!

  15. Sounds like a great plan you have there. Good luck!

  16. Thanks for stopping by my blog. We bought the Breville espresso machine. They are expensive, but we got a great deal on woot.com. I think they retail for $350-400. Starbucks also sells espresso machines and I think their older models are more affordable.

  17. Freaked out but excited is a fun place to be... Glad that things are going in the right direction!


  18. sooooo excited for you! your time is here! i will be sending you positive thoughts! remember to take a deep breath now and again!

  19. Good luck on this endeavor! I hope you get to see those 2 pink lines very soon!

    Thanks for the comment on my blog!

  20. Wishing you lots of luck with everything!


  21. This post is so cute. I hope and pray this next donor works out. I can't believe the first one got malaria!

    Thanks for the very sweet comment you left on my blog. I sincerely appreciate it.

    Best wishes with your donor cycle!

  22. Oooh, congratulations on the soon start date. I love the format :-) It's been a long time since I've heard TAL.

  23. I love your ICLW post format. Very creative. =)

    Wow, you have had a lot on your plate during your TTC journey. I can't believe what happened with your first 2 donors!

    Wishing you lots of luck for your upcoming cycle!


  24. Wow a TAL reference and DE on the one blog?? Well, I will be back! Currently researching DEs, and love TAL! Best wishes for your transfer...wow!!!

  25. Thanks for the introduction and also thanks for the kind words on my blog. Best of luck this cycle!

  26. hey its EB i am from West Yorks!!! talk about a small world! been here for 10 yrs now.
    ey up ah lass!!

  27. here's hoping for a December BFP! Sounds like you've been through so much just to get this chance! GL to you!

  28. I totally got a chuckle out of the TAL act breakdown. I heard your post in Ira Glass's voice. :)

    Exciting times ahead! Wow! Best of luck for you this cycle! Looking forward to hearing more...

    Thanks for your comment today. I really appreciate the thoughtful, supportive words. And it's super cool to meet another social worker! Woohoo!

  29. WOW! I've been missing your blog - I've been in lala land for a while - and SO MUCH has happened. Sorry about the cyst, that really sucks. But wow! The next cycle is here!

    I'll be blog stalking for updates.

    Oh, and hey, wanna be on my blogroll? Let me know and I'll add you.
