Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Icky work stuff and adoption stuff

1. I have had four bosses in 19 months. The first was a control freak who liked me because of my English accent (1 month - left for bigger and better things after 5 years with the organization), the second was an abusive, unstable, mean and nasty B.IoTCH (4 months -she got fired) the third was one of my previous collegues who taught me quite a bit about organization and accountability ( 6 months - interim director) the fourth was a consumate professional with good boundaries and a healthy respect for organizational hierarchy ( 8 months). She likes me and values me. The feeling is mutual.
My co-workers have not made her feel welcome. She resigned on Monday.
We are like a monster without a head, a train without an engine, an unruly class without a teacher. I am part of it whether I like it or not. It is not pleasant to be there at the moment.
2. I am excited about going to the adoption open house next week - in fact I have two next week and one the week after. I am doing the initial "reckying" before having S come with me. One is a small "non-traditional" agency which touts itself as helping all kinds of families ( you know, gay straight and single parents). Their application form has a "marital status" section that does not include partnered but the usual, married, single, divorced, separated thing. Hmmmm. I might point that out or I might not. I don't want to get on their bad side. They want to know about mental health issues - I plan on telling them I am the most compliant and well behaved depressed and anxious person they could meet. I see my shrink every few months, I take my meds and I have therapy every two weeks. I have never been hospitalized, I have worked full-time for 13 years in high stress jobs, I don't have two heads and most people would never know my secret. It's not a secret now, is it?
The second open house is at my most recent fertility center - it's an info session on adoption and a guest speaker is from another local adoption agency that accepts all kinds of families. The third is one of the largest agencies in town and I have heard mixed reviews about them.
I am looking forward to getting this party started. I know the home study and getting all the paperwork together will be lots of work. We need to start being more frugal and saving up our pennies. We need to make sure we have talked about all this stuff and got on the same page about parenting. We have spent so much time figuring out how to have a baby we haven't talked much about what we will do when a little one actually joins us.
Well that's all for now, folks!
I'll be hanging out at the fire station on my spare evenings. Care to join me?


  1. Sorry about your work situation... that is so hard. BUT I am very excited for you about taking the first real steps toward adoption. Hopefully you will find at least one of the agencies to be helpful and welcoming.

    NOw, why are you hanging out at fire stations?

  2. The work thing is difficult. Why can't we all be independently wealthy?

    I'm so excited for you in re: the adoption stuff! Looking forward to hearing all that you learn and taking copious notes :)

  3. oh wow, sounds like your adoption train is really moving. you're gonna have your baby in your arms in no time! im so excited for ya'll!

    sorry to hear about the crappy work situation, that makes everything just a little bit harder to deal with.

  4. good luck with those open houses. And sure, I'll hang out a firestation with you, lol

  5. Hi, on my blog you asked if donor embryos are readily available. I guess so. My new RE talk with J about us getting involved with their newish donor program. So it seems that they have some. I want to say that the really big (and good) IVF center in Chicago also has donor services available.
