Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy go eggie!

I am ecstatic to finally have some good news on the whole baby / adoption / egg front!!!
I called my RE's office to schedule a consult to find out the whole egg donor process and find out how much it would cost and the good news is that everything but the agency egg donor fee ( I know - it's still about $12,000 - $14,000 but in this business that is good news!) sperm and co-pays up to $500 is covered by my insurance. It's the blessing of living in good old Illinois where they have great laws covering fertility treatment and having great insurance ( which is kind of a lucky accident for me). We could do a cycle and produce a whole load of embies and still have left-overs for next time ( I know - I am dreaming in a very grandiose way! )
So I have a consult on Friday morning. I could actually go to my old clinic which has the donor sperm there and is much closer, but I will have to think about that. I really like the new guy but it's at a BBBF ( Big Baby Business Factory!) down-town.
I am going to go straight home and start taking pre-natal vitamins again! Off with the coffee and the booze!
I know that I am extremely lucky to a. live in illinois and b. have great insurance c. have a wonderful honey who supports me 100% and I know that I am blessed someway and somehow. I know that is a speech but I feel like I just won an Oscar!!!
Happy end of ICLW week to everyone!


  1. What great news! So excited for you!

  2. That is amazing news! In fact that is f'ing awesome news!! Yay Illinois and yay for you guys.

  3. Claire- I could just hear the excitement spilling out as I read. I'm so incredibly happy for you. This is great news. I can't wait to hear what follows.

  4. it's about time you get some good news! im so excited for you and cant wait to hear how it goes on friday! keep us posted.

  5. Hooray! Wow, you are definitely lucky in the area of insurance coverage. So many postings I read lament lack of insurance. It's such a huge obstacle.

    Okay, enough talk about money...let's talk about grandiose dreams! You go for it! Here's to a whole load of embies!

  6. How wonderful!! It's not often we get GOOD news in this process - soak it up! Hope the good luck carries you right through your hard-earned BFP.

  7. That is very exciting news! I'm very happy for you!!

  8. Thanks for the sweet comment you left on my blog. Sounds like you have a lot of good news today. Wonderful! Hope to hear more good news from you in the future.

  9. Isn't it amazing the difference living in Illinois makes? When I found out that insurance covered all but sperm, I was floored. I just stared at the blue book thinking, "I can do this. I can have a family." It was one of The Best Moments of my life, and I'll never forget it.

    And I'll never let it go away, either. Every year I write a letter to my legislators and let them know what a huge impact state-mandated health care coverage has made in my life. I encourage you to do the same.

    One more thing: I have no idea how to talk about this with friends and family. I feel guilty for having it so good!

  10. You are lucky in IL. Your neighbors to the north here in WI don't have crap for infertility coverage!
    go ahead and dream big dreams!

  11. Oh Claire! I was sooo happy to read about your plans to consider donor eggs. I've been too chicken (no pun intended when talking about eggs!) to even consider talking to my DP about moving to d.e. because of the cost. Heck, I don't even know/haven't asked about the costs because I am, again, a big chicken! So so excited for you!!! I'll have to send you a note on FB soon!
