Tuesday, December 2, 2008

no pressure!

Well I found myself on a fellow bloggers' blogroll  - Hi S - thanks for spurring me on! - so I think I better write something to add to my dramatic inaugural posting!
Ho hum - what to write?
I was at the library today ( a smelly branch library that has none of the books I want to read, but it's on the way home from work and convenient - I sit there and order books to be sent from other more exciting and well stocked libraries).
None of the books I wanted were coming up trumps and the thought of coming home empty handed with no books to read after a recent feast of Alexander McCall Smith  was too much to handle, so I browsed and came up with the following five books:
1. IN vitro fertilzation: the ART of making babies (drumroll please!)
2. Conceptions and misconceptions ( the informed consumer's guide through the maze of invitro fertilization and other ART techniques) 
3. end your carpal tunnel syndrome without surgery ( for Z - my DP )
4. Forgotten Ellis Island - the extraordinary story of america's immigrant hospital
5. the center cannot hold ( "the most lucid and hopeful memoir of living with schizophrenia I have ever read" Oliver Sacks).
My apologies to the authors of these books but I am too lazy to write the whole list of  out here. 
My point is that I obviously have a vast array of interests that is stupefying to the average reader. Just kidding. This blogdom is going to my head! 
No really the ellis island book looks interesting  - I have a fascination for hospitals especially old abandoned ones. I am sure that if I ever have this baby we are planning on,  my fascination will be mostly with new ones that are fully staffed!
I also went to NIA tonight at the YMCA - beating on the floor with your poor wee bare tootsies is really quite a painful experience  - but apart from that I had a blast. The teacher is about 55 or 60 and looks fabulous, has more energy than me after my morning de-caf  ( I only need a little to get me going) and rocks with her taste in music too.
Anyhoo, my chickadee has come home from her class and is in need of not being ignored.
love to all and any of you that read my puerile drivel:)


  1. RYC - hey add away :)
    Happy to be on anyone's blogroll :)


  2. yea for you on your first real post! i think you'll quickly discover how addicting it is! :) can't wait to read more!

  3. thanks to my first blog rollers for the encouragement!

  4. Welcome to blogging. Can't wait to read me.
